Thursday, April 4, 2019

What is the difference between Analog and Digital Electronics?

Electronics can be broadly categorized into two types: one is the analog and the other one is the digital. Now, you may think if there are any devices on this earth which use both kinds of electronics.

Yes, they do. And one of the simplest example is the clock.  The traditional clocks we have at homes are the analog clocks. They go on to tell the time with their hands that spin around the dial.

Well, if you look at the latest digital clock, they display the time using numbers.  You get to know the exact time like the exact minute of an hour.

Thus, Analog refers to anything that varies at a certain but continuous rate. For suppose, you make a voltage divider by placing a potentiometer and a fixed resistor in series, then the voltage at the point between the resistor may increase or decrease.

But, as we know in digital electronics, you don’t measure the quantities. They are counted. See, counting is when you get the exact result. You have zero errors. But when you measure something, it is getting an approximate result.

Now, which is better?

Both are better in their own ways but the digital one is more accurate. That is due to the way they function. Binary systems or electronics are related to digital.

Human voice is a good example of analog signals. Also, it draws high power. Whereas, the digital devices do not draw that much power.

There are a lot of applications of both the kinds of electronics. And in today’s world, you need a mix of both the kinds. When you require such mix up devices, you simply need to invest in analog to digital converters and the vice versa. Thus, both are quite crucial in the world of electronics.

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